ICCM Australia 2012 Keynote Speaker notes – Richard Daniel

Richard Daniel is a Director of CVC (Christian Vision Communications) and helping to market their new product called yesHEis.com. Richard had a great job, house etc but in 1988 he felt he needed to answer the question: What are you doing for God? He decided to buy some radio transmitters in 1990 and has been involved with CVC since.

CVC’s vision is to introduce people to Jesus and encourage those who acknowledge him, to accept him as the Son of God and become his true followers.

Richard was sharing with the delegates at ICCM (a conference for people working with technology in mission organisations, this year hosted by MAF in Cairns Australia) that social networks are impacting the world. Technology has shifted from the editors and publishers being in control to the end people (individuals) us. Not since the 1930’s has there been a tool that could reach masses of people like social networks can, therefore our missionary marketing needs to adjust to new line of thinking and operating.

Richard’s main theme was CHANGE and how CVC has been through massive changes. Originally they were completely radio but now they have got rid of most transmitters and changed to social media. This change was compared to say MAF driving buses instead of flying planes. Because of the way things change, Richard predicts that in 4 years some popular social networks will be gone because something better will replace it. For some change is something they love, for others it’s a stress and nuisance but change must happen. Richard says for any ministry to last change must happen. When something becomes stale it no longer has the greatest impact.

Are our ministries in total control of the future? Being out of control is no reason to panic; being out of control takes your reliance away from self and puts it onto God. The challenge is to think differently! Change does not happen when we think, “we have always done it this why, so why change?” or “our organisations doesn’t have an attitude of creativity and change” or “there are too many rules and sacred cows in our organisation stopping change”

YesHEis.com is a tool for communicating the gospel. It can be embedded into personal websites, is available via android and IOS apps. It is a website containing the best of the best short videos.

Importantly ‘Ministry is not a solo gig’. We must work hand in hand with each other. We must take time to seek God so that we can do a better Job. ½ a day a week, just take an afternoon with God. It’s worthwhile and rewarding. If everyone did this organisations would be so much better.

It’s a hard question but one everyone must answer: Why are we doing what we are doing? Are we wasting our time? Are we working on the right things and moving in the right direction?

As well as change, communications is extremely important. Building the brand and the story is vital! For example Starbucks sells the experience never the advertising the coffee. Our organisations must share the story in unique and different ways; otherwise we will loose the support.

The story of life is often like this: (How do we avoid this happening?)

  1. Revolution: The idea begins
  2. Creation: The idea is developed and planned
  3. Allocation: Specifics and who does what are put into place.
  4. Crystallization: Eventually things become boring, its all the same because there is no change
  5. Secularization: There is a split, a divorce, the business is closed.

People don’t succeed for various reasons, such as lack of motivation or knowledge. The challenge is to not lose motivation. We must all enjoy the journey! Are we spending too much time rowing when we should just enjoy the wind for a bit? If you don’t enjoy the journey, you will not enjoy what you are doing now.

In summary the 3 sessions were very encouraging and challenging. Everyone must embrace change and have an open heart and mind to know what God wants next. Sometimes it means just continuing on the way we are, other times it means change. God is still with us every step of the way though, even if we need to change.

The challenge for each organisation is to remain fresh, alive and making a difference for the kingdom of God. People with passion can change the world for good and for ever.