ICCM 2014 Melbourne October 13-16
WHEN: Mon Oct 13 5pm until 2pm Thu October 16.
WHERE: ICCM AU 2014 will be at Kangaroo Grounds.
THEME: Spiritual Reboot
KEY SPEAKER: The theme is ‘Spiritual Reboot’ with our Keynote being a respected Melbourne speaker on the topic who is a MK and former Mission director. He has someone who can educate him in the way of us IT folk.
Onsite rego (Full) $429.00 (Earlybird) $359.00
Spouse rego (Full) $409.00 (Earlybird) $339.00
Offsite Rego (Full) $339.00 (Earlybird) $269.00
Day Rego (Full) $129.00 (Earlybird) $105.00
Thu Day Rate (Full) $70.00 (Earlybird) $55.00
** Off site and day regos include dinner and lunch for the relevant days. Onsite includes all meals.
Earlybird discount will end September 12
We are still looking for technical sessions. We have one of Spiritual Formation in online communities, another on low powered devices, and working on some others. Some of these sessions can relate to the conference theme
Some suggested topics (or whatever you want to share):
- Mobile ministry
- low power computing
- The spiritual life of a lone IT guy/gal
- data security in developing nations
- use of cloud-services and security implications
- Leading Teams
- Web design for missions
- building network servers
- user experience design
- developing an IS/IT Plan
- Hosting your own cloud services
- Encryption basics (Email, storage etc)
- Understanding what you users really want
- Cloud based phone systems
- Media distribution
- Justifying projects
- web filtering, security, password storage, firewalls
To register for the conference click here: http://iccm-australia.org/register/