Author Archives: David Miller

Richard Daniel keynote speaker – No Ties Allowed Podcast

The guys from ICCM USA do a podcast titled No Ties Allowed and on the latest episode they interviewed Richard Daniel, keynote speaker for the ICCM Australia 2012 conference.

Richard discusses the transition of CVC radio ministry to

Made arrangements to get to ICCMAU 2012 yet?  Plan the time away and start looking for and booking airfares.  REGISTER before August 31 2012 to get the earlybird discounted rate!


Registered Yet? Budgeted for the Cost and the Time?

ICCM Australia 2012

Have you started to make plans for attending?  Checked that you have the budget and the time to get to Cairns?  Talked to the Bride about a trip to the Tropical Far North Queensland for an early start to summer 2012?

If you havent then better make a start.  EarlyBird registration finishes August 31 so you’ll want to be organised before then to take advantage of a cheaper registration cost.

Here is a testimonial from Michael W. who attended his first ICCM Australia last year:

“I work for a technical mission in Papua New Guinea, and I attended the ICCM conference (2011) last year for the first time.  For me I had to balance carefully the cost and time vs the benefit of attending, however after arriving I quickly realised the benefits were definitely worth it.   The main advantage of ICCM AU is that it lets you meet some really smart Christian people, who are very keen to help you with your technical needs.  Since they come from a wide range of ministry and IT areas, there is usually someone with experience to help you with your questions, be they very complex or relatively simple.  It is also a great way to keep up to date with the latest technologies, tools and trends. I’d recommend it to anyone who is involved in IT and ministry.”

So dont leave it too late to organise.  Plan ahead and make sure you get to ICCM Australia 2012.

Register now!

Announcing ICCM Australia 2012 Keynote Speaker – Richard Daniel

ICCM AU 2012 KeynoteRichard Daniel began his media career in 1977, moving into radio directly after finishing his school days. In the next 30 years he has been a radio announcer at several stations, program manager, sales manager and Station Manager.

Several years ago Richard and his wife Julie purchase 2 radio stations in NSW and managed the stations as well as owning them. Owning a couple of smaller stations meant that Richard had to learn everything about the operation, so his technical ability increased so that he could solve most problems thrown at him especially when we had not much of a budget to buy new gear.In 2002 he moved with his family to Maroochydore to help manage and establish an International Christian Shortwave Radio complex called CVC.

For 8 years CVC broadcasted in 3 languages to a potential audience of 3 billion people. CVC took over the old Radio Australia broadcast transmission equipment located in Darwin. As shortwave decreased in popularity, CVC made some huge changes, shutting down all radio and moving into new media, producing short videos designed to share your faith on social networks.

This was a big change for the organisation and the lessons learnt in taking a staff of 58 into new areas was difficult but exciting. Today Richard is a Director of CVC and helping to market their new product called He looks forward to sharing how to make changes in an organisation, how to move forward without leaving others behind, how to technically adjust in a changing world and how to serve better in a Christian organisation.

Topics for the talks will be along these lines….

  • When the world is changing and you know your organisation has to move with it, how do you make the changes and keep everyone happy.
  • How do you sell your ideas yet keep peace in the building and stability in the work force.
  • How do you tell some one they don’t fit any more in a Christian organisation and how do you encourage people to change, move forward while you and others around you are making mistakes in a new media. Its a challenge, yet if you have to embrace it some times you have to bite the bullet.

These are some of the discussion points covered in several sessions by Richard. It will be fun… but get ready for some home truths that may be confronting.