Tag Archives: International Teams

Key Note Session Abstracts

Roy Campbell, from International Teams, Canada. Over the years, Roy has come to the realization that technology, in and of itself, is meaningless. As a result, Roy’s mantra is to only do technical work that will either build a relationship or help marginalized people. Roy is an avid seeker and follower of Christ, husband to Caro, and father to Natalie and Jamie. In his spare time, he likes to play hockey as well as Crokinole, Carcassonne, and other board games.

The following is a summary of his three Key Note sessions ate the conference

Session 1

God’s vision of Poverty

First of all, what is Poverty?

Even before that, what makes me think I can declare what God’s vision of poverty is?

We then want to take a high level look at two theologies.

The first, on Poverty, What it is, Why it exists, What is God’s role?

The second, on Technology with again asking the questions, What is it, Why does it exist, and What is God’s role?

And then we want to see if we can bring them together (that will likely take sessions 2 and 3) :-)

Session 2

Christ’s working with the impoverished / marginalized.

What does Christ say about poverty?

How does Christ engage with the poor in his culture?

We will also examine the similarities and differences between physical and spiritual poverty?

Finally we will take a look at what the implications are for us as we engage Christs teachings and example on dealing with poverty – specifically with a bent towards technology.

Session 3

The Holy Spirit’s empowering of Christ Followers as we work with the marginalized in society.

In this session, we will take a look at what different types of poverty exist in our societies.

Where does technology interact with poverty (both positively and negatively).

And how can we engage in a way that raises awareness of God’s compassion for the poor.

We will also look at how engaging with the poor informs us and those around us of the good news of Christ.

Kajo Keji - iCafe 20 - can we connect to the Internet

ICCM Australia 2013 Details

Its great to be able to announce the dates for 2013 ICCM Australia !

This year the conference will be held in Newtown, Sydney ,NSW  in October 21 – 24 2013.

Our speaker will be Roy Campbell, from International Teams, Canada. Over the years, Roy has come to the realization that technology, in and of itself, is meaningless. As a result, Roy’s mantra is to only do technical work that will either build a relationship or help marginalized people. Roy is an avid seeker and follower of Christ, husband to Carol, and father to Natalie and Jamie. In his spare time, he likes to play hockey as well as Crokinole, Carcassonne, and other board games.

The theme of the conference is

Technology for the least of these

ICCM Australia is a great place to meet others who are working with technology in missions, to be encouraged spiritually, share and learn technically as well.

The conference will start from 5pm with dinner at 6pm on Monday October 21 and finish by 3:30pm on Thursday October 24.

We will once again stay at Golden Grove, part of the the Sydney Anglican Cathedral Healing Ministry, http://sydneyheal.com/goldengrove/

The registration costs are (ex GST) in Australian Dollars. If you need to book extra nights or would like you own room or your own bathroom, please note that at the time of registration and we will contact you.

Regsiter Now

Fees                        Full              Earlybird
Onsite registration         $419.00           $349.00 
(Includes onsite shared accommodation and all meals)
Spouse rego (non attending) $399.00           $329.00 
(Welcome to worship, keynote sessions and prayer times and all meals).
Off site Rego               $299.00           $229.00
(no accommodation. Meals included: lunch, dinner and snacks)
Day rego                    $ 99.00           $ 79.00
(Lunch, dinner and snacks included for 1 day. $10 extra cost for Conference dinner on Wednesday night).