Tag Archives: IT

Registered Yet? Budgeted for the Cost and the Time?

ICCM Australia 2012

Have you started to make plans for attending?  Checked that you have the budget and the time to get to Cairns?  Talked to the Bride about a trip to the Tropical Far North Queensland for an early start to summer 2012?

If you havent then better make a start.  EarlyBird registration finishes August 31 so you’ll want to be organised before then to take advantage of a cheaper registration cost.

Here is a testimonial from Michael W. who attended his first ICCM Australia last year:

“I work for a technical mission in Papua New Guinea, and I attended the ICCM conference (2011) last year for the first time.  For me I had to balance carefully the cost and time vs the benefit of attending, however after arriving I quickly realised the benefits were definitely worth it.   The main advantage of ICCM AU is that it lets you meet some really smart Christian people, who are very keen to help you with your technical needs.  Since they come from a wide range of ministry and IT areas, there is usually someone with experience to help you with your questions, be they very complex or relatively simple.  It is also a great way to keep up to date with the latest technologies, tools and trends. I’d recommend it to anyone who is involved in IT and ministry.”

So dont leave it too late to organise.  Plan ahead and make sure you get to ICCM Australia 2012.

Register now!

Speakers ICCM-AU 2012

We are in the process of seeking Keynote and conference speakers for ICCMAU12 October 8-11.  If you have any speakers to suggest or topics we can find speakers for then contact us now.

Idea starters:

  • did you do anything cool in IT this year that you want to tell the ICCM crowd about?
  • do you have some technologies that people keep asking you about that you would rather share one time?
  • How are you building websites differently today?
  • How do you track your hardware and software licenses?
  • How do you manage and support mobile devices?
  • What cloud technologies are you using or avoiding?
  • What hardware are you favouring?
  • What are the killer mobile apps for Christians in the field?
  • How do you manage security issues?
  • How do you work with globally scattered teams?
  • What technologies have you dropped in the past year? Why?
  • What do you think the missions tech world will look like in 10 years?
  • What are the keys to managing an IT Team?
  • Are there new processes in your IT group that really make a difference?
  • What’s different about your mission today vs 3-5 years ago? How do  you think your mission will change in the next 3-5 years? How will you support that change from an IT POV?
  • What advice would you give to a young person right out of Bible college or university entering missions IT?